A Practice-Based Live Workshop
To Level Up Your Scene Writing
in 6 Weeks

Mastering Line-by-Line in Fiction: A Live Scene Writing Workshop 
begins June 13th and is limited to 30 students.

What’s included?

  • Weekly Live Training and Group Workshopping
  • Weekly 1-on-1 Expert Writing Feedback
  • Daily Group Exercises
  • Weekly Practice Assignments
  • Dedicated Cohort Discussion Channel
  • A Small Group of No More Than 30 Students


Mastering Line-by-Line in Fiction: A Live Scene Writing Workshop is a 6-week group training and workshopping program designed to ensure you level up your dialogue and scene writing. Limited to 30 students, this will provide the perfect environment to get specific feedback and instruction to level up your skills as a writer.


Mastering Line-by-Line in Fiction: A Live Scene Writing Workshop is for any writer that’s ready to put in the time and gain the skills to improve their writing. It will work for any writer at any point in their writing as it will give you the skill development you need to improve all of your future writing.


Mastering Line-by-Line in Fiction: A Live Scene Writing Workshop is hosted online. The weekly 90-minute training and group workshopping will be hosted on Zoom and the dedicated cohort discussion channel will be hosted on Slack. You will be able to submit your homework for the weekly group workshop via Google Docs.


The first week will be focused on training, reviewing Masterwork example scenes, and reviewing the first week’s assignment. In the following five live calls, we will do a small amount of training, but use most of the time workshopping your homework scenes submitted from the previous week. In between the live calls, you will have daily group exercises in the Cohort Discussion Channel. 


The first live training is Thursday, June 13th at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern. You will be able to access the discussion channel on Wednesday the 3rd. From there, we will meet each week on Thursday at the same time for six weeks.


We want to help writers gain the skills they need to write a book and leave a legacy. The most important skill to master is writing a great scene, so we want to spend six weeks helping you level up this all-important skill. 

Here's How It Works

Weekly Live Instruction

Each week you will receive clear, actionable instruction on what makes a great dialogue writing in a scene.

Weekly Practice

Each week you will receive a specific assignment to practice what you just learned and then a deadline to turn in the assignment.

Weekly Group Workshop

Starting the 2nd week, the assignments you turn in will be analyzed live on the training call to provide specific feedback on how to improve your writing.

Daily Group Practice

Every weekday, we will post a daily group exercise to practice the micro skills being taught each week during the live training.

Cohort Discussion Channel

All of the students will have access to a private Slack channel to discuss the weekly training, participate in the daily group exercises, and collaborate together throughout the six week workshop.

Archive Access

You will retain future access to all recordings of the live training and workshops to review in the future.

Your Trainers

Tim Grahl is the CEO of Story Grid Universe and the Publisher of Story Grid Publishing.

He has written five books including the novel The Threshing and the nonfiction perennial sellers Running Down a Dream and Your First 1000 Copies. His next book, The Shithead, is due out in Spring 2024.

For the last eight years, he has studied under Shawn Coyne, world-class editor and writer, and helped thousands of writers create books they are proud to have written.

Will Tronoski has experience on both sides of the writer - editor partnership. He is a writer in the Story Grid Writer Mentorship Program and a Story Grid Certified Editor.

Will was attracted to Story Grid by the comprehensiveness and rigor of the methodology along with the ethos of putting the work first.

Will’s goal is to meet each writer wherever they are and level up their craft from there.

What do students think?

Course Completion Rate
vs. 15% Industry Average

Students Self-Report
They Became Better Writers

Out of 5-Star Rating

Access to each of the 30 seats is:

Two Options to Register

Because this 6-week workshop includes live discussion and feedback on your writing, we are limiting it to 30 students.

We want to get some information to make sure you're a good fit. Please either fill out an application or schedule a time below.


When are the weekly meetings? What if I can't attend live?

The meetings will take place on Thursdays at 3pm Eastern / 12pm Pacific (convert to your timezone) starting June 13th. If you are unable to join live, the recording will be provided within twenty-four hours of the meeting.

How do the practice assignments work?

Each week Tim will give an assignment so you can practice what you have learned. The maximum word count on an assignment will be 1500 words. You will have 5 days to turn in your assignment. There is no requirement to turn in your assignment, but Tim will choose from the assignments turned in to give analyzation and feedback on the live calls.

Will my assignments be analyzed every week?

Yes! Each week a Story Grid Certified Editor will review and provide feedback on your scene along with specific steps to take to improve for the following week. This may also include specific homework for you to practice in order to improve.

How do I sign up for the workshop?

Because we only have 30 seats available, we are requiring everyone to fill out an application to join. This will ensure we create the best learning environment possible for all of the students.

Is there a guarantee? What if I'm not a better writer at the end?

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you get to the end of the six weeks and feel that you have not improved as a writer, we want you to ask for your money back.

However, the only way this workshop will work for you is if you go through the weekly training and complete the practice assignments. Therefore, when you ask for a refund, we will ask you to send us your completed assignments so we can see you actively engaged in the program.

We recommend you do not apply to join the program if you cannot commit to going through the weekly 90-minute training and completing the weekly practice assignments.

What if I have more questions?

Email [email protected] and we will get back to you quickly.